
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Preggo Update!

Notice the bump??? YeaaAAAHHHH! Haha okay well it's barely there but for's there! Especially when I sit down and my stomach is hanging over my jeans! So here is a list of updates about the pregnancy!

Baby Update: The baby is healthy and doing well! Heartbeat of 161. My OB thinks it's a girl :) But we will see...I'm 13 weeks and at 20 weeks I'll know for sure but fingers crossed!!
Cravings: Pickles, Potato Chips, Mexican Food 
Gross Outs: Nasty cuts, Chinese Food, Dirty Mop Water, Dog Poop
Difficulties: Getting out of bed in the mornings! UGH!, bending forward...already, getting off the floor when I'm laying flat, finding clothes that fit me (haven't bought new ones yet)
Moods: Depends on the minute, haha! My best moods are usually during the afternoon, mornings and nights I'm usually tired or cranky. I get aggravated easily but the hubby has been very nice in dealing with me :)
I'm definitely working on getting a larger coat too as I'm not going to be fitting in mine too much longer! I'm always eating...most of time I have food in my hand snacking on something :) The 65 lb brute husky I starting to be "sweeter" to me....aka he is better about not jumping on me! I hope this continues and he will calm down enough in time for the baby. So that's about all...hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season!! XOXO

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It is quite a silly question to ask if I of all people went to the midnight premiere of Breaking Dawn Part know I did! :) Dan was a trooper I must say. He bought tickets for me weeks in advance but even the actual midnight showing was all sold out so we technically saw it at 12:32 a.m. to be exact. He had just worked a full shift that day, had to be up at 5:45 a.m. to work another full shift till 3:00 p.m. then go back in at 10 p.m. for an OT shift. All with just a couple of hours of sleep here and there when he could fit it in. We didn't get done with the money till right around 3am but MY OH MY it was so worth it! Well at least to me...haha I don't know about him. He stayed up through everything and never complained once...ahhhh I love my husband! The movie made my heart melt and jump at the same time, made me cover my eyes, and sawww ahhhh I want Jacob! No I want Edward! Ugg can't I just have them both? Oh lucky Bella....haha. 

My Eclipse t-shirt I got at the Twilight Convention August 2010 :) I need a Breaking Dawn one!

My Breaking Dawn cup collector's cup to add to the collection

There were 4 concession lines, all parallel to each other, and all going out the door!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Dan and I are officially having a baby! Eeeekkkk! We are truly excited to be first time parents! It is going to be a busy 9 months for us. I am currently a senior in college and 6 weeks pregnant which means I graduate college on May 5th, 2012 and our baby is due June 17th, 2012! Too amazing life events 1 month apart!

But let's back up a little bit first. Dan and I knew I would be getting out of school in less than a year and after much thought and many prayers, we felt it was right for us to put it in Heavenly Father's hands to know when the right time was to bless us with a child then....2 weeks later.....the stork visited us! We were laying in bed and I just couldn't get my mind off wanting to take a test after I was already "late". So I got up while Dan was still half asleep in bed, took the test, waited 2 minutes.....couldn't believe what I saw...waited an additional 5 minutes JUST to make sure. Nope...still positive. I open the door of the bathroom and yell "DAN!" and he grudgingly looked at me "Whatttt?" I'm sure my face was priceless. I had both hands cupped over my mouth and just stood there silently...I was speechless. After a few seconds, I finally spoke and said "I'm pregnant". He rolled over to go back to sleep and said no your not... do what? He just rolled over??? BUT then he rolled back over "Really?"..."YES REALLY!!" The next moments were special and we were realizing that our lives were officially going to change. Though we had disagreements about the color differentiations of the blue lines, I took a 2nd test in the morning...yep...still positive. Okay well I REALLY need to make sure, lol. So I went to the doctor to get an official test and WAHLA!! I'm 4.5 weeks pregnant!!

Needless to say, we're ecstatic! I am really hoping for a girl and Dan really wants a boy. But of course, we will be greatly thankful for whatever Heavenly Father blesses us with :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Youth Conference 2011

At the beginning of July, Dan and I were leaders for the Youth Conference this year at church. Just so happen that our tribe's name was "Dan" :) It was Daniel's first time leading and it was my first year period! We had a wonderful group and my girls were great! I felt like I experienced it from a youth's point of view while also being the responsible adult and making sure no one got in trouble ;) It was a weekend filled with LOTS of games, dancing, good food, community service, and A LOT of fun! One of the perks for me was having a lovely girl named Ali :) who knew how to french braid my hair and I can't french braid and I'm not used to having that, I totally took advantage of her. Every day at 6:30am I walked downstairs.....woke Ali up "Ehhheemmm time....whatcha going to do to me today?" Needless to say, I had my own personal hairstylist with me the entire weekend! Other perks was being able to enjoy the time with  my husband as we did teamwork together to do many activities and had fun doing it. Also, listening to all of the girl's testimonies at night before we went to bed was a definite favorite :) These young ladies (and boys I'm sure) are faced with such hard decisions and adversity in a world that wants them to think it's okay to do all of these non-healthy activities but you better believe our girls are STRONG and stand up for what they believe in! I was surprised to hear how many girls have stood up to people, boyfriends, friends, etc. about their faith and they always chose the right. I am so proud of my girls :) And I hope that all of our young adults will stay strong, hold onto the iron rod, and stay true to their faith! I know they can!

Half of these were my girls mixed with Ben's tribe

You're going to get soaked when you play in the rain!

Approx. 150 teens!

Happy Sweet 16 Kayla!

Hawaiian Themed Dance

Fabric Wreath

Hello all :) I actually completed this project a while back but am just now getting a chance to blog about it. So here it is! One day I will get me a NICE camera instead of just my old digital one so all of my photos will look better.

How to make this? It's pretty easy...until you get to the rosettes. Cut off strips of fabric according to what length or thickness you like. Mine were about 1" X 12". Only tie them in one knot to save on fabric. After you get the entire wreath covered, start making the rosettes. I am NOT a natural at rosette making and honestly you just have to practice, practice, and practice some more. For my rosettes, I used strips that were pretty thick around 2" X 12" and used super glue for making them. Then use left over material from the wreath to create the small "jewels" in the center of the rosette. Since my wreath is not a flat surface, I first hot glued the rosettes to black felt, cut them out, then attached them to the wreath. Again, my camera does NOT do my wreath justice. It's not the best but for my first time, I think it's down right pretty :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Just Married For All of Time & Eternity

The Louisville Temple

My wonderful hubby and I

My mother, mother-in-law, and father and step-mother

Our friends and Bishop

Playing the restaurant game!

On June 4th, 2011, Dan and I were sealed for all of time and eternity at the temple in Louisville, Ky. It was a wonderful day filled with family and friends. I haven't had my hair done in a long time so I finally went to the salon and had my hair done, did my make up more than usual, and spent a beautiful day in Louisville. We went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory afterwards and it was uhmazing!! The raspberry lemon cheesecake was AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I have never tasted anything so delicious! :) So Dan and I have started a new journey again and it makes me happy to know I will have my family and husband with me forever :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fabric Wooden Circles

Hello everyone! So sorry I have been lacking in the blogging area! My time has been spent with family trials and tribulations, moving, hot water tank breaking and flooding our apartment, great times with friends, needed time with family, and I could go on. Well here is my next great idea :) I got this from another blog and I can't remember which one :-/

1. Bought 5 different sized quilt wooden circles with 5 coordinating fabrics
2. IRON fabrics first!
3. Stretch out over the wood circles and close the clasp at the top. 
4. Cut off excess material and HOT GLUE the extra material around the inside of the circle to hold the fabric in place.
5. That's all!! :)
I still have another project I'm almost done with so stay tuned :) And I promise to blog more!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

{ Pretty Drawer Liners (MY OWN IDEA!!) }

I AM SO EXCITED!!!! I know my blogging and changing of my blog has been on and off lately but right as I was getting back into the swing of things, Dan and I had to move! Moving was easy, the hard part was that our apartment people didn't clean the apartment so in exchange for discounted rent, I offered to clean it myself. PHEWWWW!! Let's just say the job was A LOT bigger than I had expected and needless to say, the people that lived there before us never cared for or cleaned their home. SOOO!! As I am cleaning the kitchen, I had a TO DO list that included buying contact paper because I wanted my drawers to look pretty. Well our budget was low and we had just spent so much money with the new place that I really couldn't buy anything extra AND we had ugly drawers! Well I do LOVE scrapbooking and sitting on the kitchen table 5 feet from me was all of my scrapbook supplies unpacked. Then it HIT me! I could use SCRAPBOOK PAPER!! We got several sheets of the same paper and just cut them to fit the drawers and put TINY pieces of tape down to hold them and WAHLA! I was so proud of  myself for thinking of this on my own :) I have more blog posting to come so keep an eye out!!

<3 Cari <3

Thursday, May 26, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, Dan and I went to Morgantown, WV where his family lives to watch his cousin, Craig graduate. It was an awesome trip! Of course Dan and I always have a good time riding for hours in the back of a car sharing the back seat and trying to sleep on each other at the same's always the same struggle. I ALWAYS bring a pillow and blanket...Dan NEVER does! So he always tries to bargain with me for a pillow or blanket or something and most of the time one of us is uncomfortable while the other is sound asleep. For example: If he wants to lay on my lap to sleep, I get the pillow and he gets the blanket. But if I lay in his lap then I get the blanket and he gets the pillow. Sooo on this trip, I tried Dramamine for the first time although I kept calling it Dopamine for some reason? I fell asleep, woke up an hour later to stop at a rest area and buddy did I feel drunk? I got out of the car staggering and had to lean on the car while yelling at Dan not to go to far that I wasn't sure I could walk? Haha needless to say, I slept great :) The rest of our stay was great....staying with the in-laws up there and spending time with them was a lot of laughs...for some reason his family likes the fart scene from The Nutty Professor. I laughed at them laughing at the who knew it could be so funny.

While also down there to watch Craig graduate, we found out he will be going on a mission to Milan, Italy!! It was awesome! He totally deserves it! So here are a few photos from the trip :)

Craig and Maw Maw


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A NEW look and NEW ideas :)

Well I'm working on making my page super and fabulous instead of just okay so bare with me. I'm still figuring things out as I am quite the blogging newby. Blogging is going to be slow for the next week...Dan and I are in the process of packing and moving while at the same time we just have a lot going on. But I wanted to share a few photos and thoughts, then I'm done for the night! I do have some neat posts coming up so watch out for them!! :)

My Princess Lola :)

 Our 1 year old husky, Niko. I sure didn't find him like this after I got out of the shower.....nope.

Part of my refrigerator art from lots of kids that love me ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Wedding Scrapbook Album

It's a year later and I just NOW have to scrapbook our amazing wedding. I do not like procrastinating or getting behind on tasks so now I'm out of school, I'm going full speed trying to catch up on all my hobbies :) So here is a sneak the rate I'm going, I'll be done in a week or 2. But I'm only posting these photos because if you want to see the rest, you have to come visit us ;) Terrible I know :) For those that live far away, I MIGHT make an exception but you'd have to be pretty nice about it :) Haha so here it is!

Hope you like it! :)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers