
Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It is quite a silly question to ask if I of all people went to the midnight premiere of Breaking Dawn Part know I did! :) Dan was a trooper I must say. He bought tickets for me weeks in advance but even the actual midnight showing was all sold out so we technically saw it at 12:32 a.m. to be exact. He had just worked a full shift that day, had to be up at 5:45 a.m. to work another full shift till 3:00 p.m. then go back in at 10 p.m. for an OT shift. All with just a couple of hours of sleep here and there when he could fit it in. We didn't get done with the money till right around 3am but MY OH MY it was so worth it! Well at least to me...haha I don't know about him. He stayed up through everything and never complained once...ahhhh I love my husband! The movie made my heart melt and jump at the same time, made me cover my eyes, and sawww ahhhh I want Jacob! No I want Edward! Ugg can't I just have them both? Oh lucky Bella....haha. 

My Eclipse t-shirt I got at the Twilight Convention August 2010 :) I need a Breaking Dawn one!

My Breaking Dawn cup collector's cup to add to the collection

There were 4 concession lines, all parallel to each other, and all going out the door!

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