
Saturday, October 22, 2011


Dan and I are officially having a baby! Eeeekkkk! We are truly excited to be first time parents! It is going to be a busy 9 months for us. I am currently a senior in college and 6 weeks pregnant which means I graduate college on May 5th, 2012 and our baby is due June 17th, 2012! Too amazing life events 1 month apart!

But let's back up a little bit first. Dan and I knew I would be getting out of school in less than a year and after much thought and many prayers, we felt it was right for us to put it in Heavenly Father's hands to know when the right time was to bless us with a child then....2 weeks later.....the stork visited us! We were laying in bed and I just couldn't get my mind off wanting to take a test after I was already "late". So I got up while Dan was still half asleep in bed, took the test, waited 2 minutes.....couldn't believe what I saw...waited an additional 5 minutes JUST to make sure. Nope...still positive. I open the door of the bathroom and yell "DAN!" and he grudgingly looked at me "Whatttt?" I'm sure my face was priceless. I had both hands cupped over my mouth and just stood there silently...I was speechless. After a few seconds, I finally spoke and said "I'm pregnant". He rolled over to go back to sleep and said no your not... do what? He just rolled over??? BUT then he rolled back over "Really?"..."YES REALLY!!" The next moments were special and we were realizing that our lives were officially going to change. Though we had disagreements about the color differentiations of the blue lines, I took a 2nd test in the morning...yep...still positive. Okay well I REALLY need to make sure, lol. So I went to the doctor to get an official test and WAHLA!! I'm 4.5 weeks pregnant!!

Needless to say, we're ecstatic! I am really hoping for a girl and Dan really wants a boy. But of course, we will be greatly thankful for whatever Heavenly Father blesses us with :)


  1. Your story was like that in the movies! It's romantic and funny… It was funny for me 'coz you mentioned your little fight about the colors showing on the home pregnancy tests you used. Good thing you confirmed it right away… Good luck on your pregnancy, and welcome to motherhood. :)

  2. Thank you :) was truly a comical/special/joyous moment when I found out. I'm glad I decided to blog about it because I love going back and reliving that day. 24 weeks now and the baby is completely healthy :) Can't wait!


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