
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fabric Wooden Circles

Hello everyone! So sorry I have been lacking in the blogging area! My time has been spent with family trials and tribulations, moving, hot water tank breaking and flooding our apartment, great times with friends, needed time with family, and I could go on. Well here is my next great idea :) I got this from another blog and I can't remember which one :-/

1. Bought 5 different sized quilt wooden circles with 5 coordinating fabrics
2. IRON fabrics first!
3. Stretch out over the wood circles and close the clasp at the top. 
4. Cut off excess material and HOT GLUE the extra material around the inside of the circle to hold the fabric in place.
5. That's all!! :)
I still have another project I'm almost done with so stay tuned :) And I promise to blog more!!


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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers