
Friday, May 6, 2011

Family, Finals, & Bumper Cars

FINALS WEEK IS OVER!!! YES!!! I feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I feel so incredibly free! haha...I am able to finally concentrate on things I WANT to do instead of things I have to do. Something else that added stress to finals week was some family (my brother-in-law and nephew) coming in from out of town. They were only in town for a few days and we don't get to see them very much so Dan and I wanted to spend as much time with them as we could. This usually meant me sitting with my nose stuck in the books while they played games. I don't care though, just being there made me happy. One night we all went out to Gatti Town and had a BLAST! I am like a little kid I tell ya...bumper cars rock!! It was on like donkey kong between me and 3 other nephews under the age of 6. I'll let the pictures do the talking :)

 My brother-in-law, Adam, and Dan
 My nephew Mason

 Me, Mason, and Ryder going for it!
 See my body in the right I'm comin for them!
 Needless to say, I was having fun :)
 Bahaha my nephew, Ryder's, determined!
 Notice my books? During entire dinner I pathetic
Too cute :)


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