
Thursday, May 26, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, Dan and I went to Morgantown, WV where his family lives to watch his cousin, Craig graduate. It was an awesome trip! Of course Dan and I always have a good time riding for hours in the back of a car sharing the back seat and trying to sleep on each other at the same's always the same struggle. I ALWAYS bring a pillow and blanket...Dan NEVER does! So he always tries to bargain with me for a pillow or blanket or something and most of the time one of us is uncomfortable while the other is sound asleep. For example: If he wants to lay on my lap to sleep, I get the pillow and he gets the blanket. But if I lay in his lap then I get the blanket and he gets the pillow. Sooo on this trip, I tried Dramamine for the first time although I kept calling it Dopamine for some reason? I fell asleep, woke up an hour later to stop at a rest area and buddy did I feel drunk? I got out of the car staggering and had to lean on the car while yelling at Dan not to go to far that I wasn't sure I could walk? Haha needless to say, I slept great :) The rest of our stay was great....staying with the in-laws up there and spending time with them was a lot of laughs...for some reason his family likes the fart scene from The Nutty Professor. I laughed at them laughing at the who knew it could be so funny.

While also down there to watch Craig graduate, we found out he will be going on a mission to Milan, Italy!! It was awesome! He totally deserves it! So here are a few photos from the trip :)

Craig and Maw Maw


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A NEW look and NEW ideas :)

Well I'm working on making my page super and fabulous instead of just okay so bare with me. I'm still figuring things out as I am quite the blogging newby. Blogging is going to be slow for the next week...Dan and I are in the process of packing and moving while at the same time we just have a lot going on. But I wanted to share a few photos and thoughts, then I'm done for the night! I do have some neat posts coming up so watch out for them!! :)

My Princess Lola :)

 Our 1 year old husky, Niko. I sure didn't find him like this after I got out of the shower.....nope.

Part of my refrigerator art from lots of kids that love me ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Wedding Scrapbook Album

It's a year later and I just NOW have to scrapbook our amazing wedding. I do not like procrastinating or getting behind on tasks so now I'm out of school, I'm going full speed trying to catch up on all my hobbies :) So here is a sneak the rate I'm going, I'll be done in a week or 2. But I'm only posting these photos because if you want to see the rest, you have to come visit us ;) Terrible I know :) For those that live far away, I MIGHT make an exception but you'd have to be pretty nice about it :) Haha so here it is!

Hope you like it! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Anniversary, Mother's Day, AND Project Purge :)

 Anniversary- Dan and I have officially been married a year today! Our first anniversary has been low key low budget but has been nothing but pure happiness and joy :) We went out to eat to Regatta's Seafood and then took a trip to Joseph-Beth where he bought me WFE book (of course I have seen and LOVE the movie!) and I love the royal family and Princess Katherine so I had to get this magazine/book that has a ton of pictures and history information in it. It was an awesome night :) The whole weekend we talked about "Remember what we were doing at this time last year?" We said that about 20 times at different points in the weekend, lol.

 This is the top of our wedding cake. The icing tasted a bit old but the cake itself was still moist and tasty!

 Okay okay, these 2 pictures may look lame but we had dinner with my in-laws and were able to get the "good luck" moment on camera :)

Project Purge- Purge 30 Items in 30 Days!

I took this idea from my friend Jenna (Thanks Jenna!) on her blog in which she did the  Project Purge
and it seemed like a great idea. She also got it from another blog about organization which I love :) Dan and I are moving to a 2 bedroom apartment in 3 weeks and I can't stand clutter! Jenna gave me the idea to sort things into different piles 1. Things I love and must keep 2. Yard Sale/Goodwill Items 3. Items to Trash. Another important tip: If you haven't used it in a year, what is the point in keeping it? So with those guidelines, I got Dan on board and we went well over 30 times in 2 days! 2 days! Determined? Yes! Crazy? Maybe :) I had so many things that I had been keeping thinking "Well you never know when I would need this? I'll use it again someday I'm sure". Well to me that is just baggage, why hold onto it all? So I let it go! I went through everything I could using the rules above and got rid of so much stuff and it feels FREEEEEEE :) We took out 4 or 5 bags of trash (Lost count actually), plus 1 bag to donate to family, 1 bag to Goodwill, and the items below are for an upcoming yard sale at my in-law's place. Everything from new and unused tanning lotions, Coach purse, Swarvoski jewlery and figurines, computer keyboard, radar detector, books to shoes I've only worn once, mens clothes, etc. You name it, we are probably selling it. LOL. So our place is cleaned out and organized and we're ready to move. Last but not least, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

My FIRST Rosette...I DID IT!!!

SOOOOOOO....all while back I saw an idea on a blog on how to use different types of fabrics and ribbons to make these cute flowers and then you can attach them to anything you bands, hair clips, bobby pins, necklaces, etc. Now that I'm free I had to give it a try with my first owned hot glue gun :) I had an ugly red flower hair clip that I only had because it came with a set of other ones I really liked. I tore the flower off the clip and then used an old white t-shirt to make my flower. I cut off a strip probably around 15-16 inches long, twisted it, and starting rolling it up using hot glue to help line it up so the fabric would stick. Once it dried, I glued it to the metal clip and below is the WALAA product! I was so excited I actually made something so cute! I can't wait to make I'm so proud of myself.

 Before and After

Family, Finals, & Bumper Cars

FINALS WEEK IS OVER!!! YES!!! I feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I feel so incredibly free! haha...I am able to finally concentrate on things I WANT to do instead of things I have to do. Something else that added stress to finals week was some family (my brother-in-law and nephew) coming in from out of town. They were only in town for a few days and we don't get to see them very much so Dan and I wanted to spend as much time with them as we could. This usually meant me sitting with my nose stuck in the books while they played games. I don't care though, just being there made me happy. One night we all went out to Gatti Town and had a BLAST! I am like a little kid I tell ya...bumper cars rock!! It was on like donkey kong between me and 3 other nephews under the age of 6. I'll let the pictures do the talking :)

 My brother-in-law, Adam, and Dan
 My nephew Mason

 Me, Mason, and Ryder going for it!
 See my body in the right I'm comin for them!
 Needless to say, I was having fun :)
 Bahaha my nephew, Ryder's, determined!
 Notice my books? During entire dinner I pathetic
Too cute :)


Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers