
Monday, November 15, 2010


HAHA first off I just realized when I typed the date of it, it's 12 11 10...too funny! So I just had to blog since it had been a little while since I had. As a lot of people know I am headed back to the temple soon to do my endowments and some important work. I'm very excited and just got my stuff ordered (Thanks to my mother-in-law) and can't wait to get the show on the road. But I have to be honest at the same time...part of of me is still very sad. Half of me is excited and half of me is sad and it's quite a bittersweet moment. Any time I've ever did something that was extremely important to me, my family no matter what was there to support me including at my baptism. Unfortunatelly, they cannot come to the temple with me. I understand the reasons and I understand that they don't believe in the same things I do and have their own faith, but it still stinks. It's automatic for me to run to my family to say hey I got this big thing I want you to come to but in this case, all I can do is try to explain to them to the best of my ability what and why I'm doing what I am doing without saying too....which won't be too hard since I don't even know everything I'll be doing, hehe. So I just had to be honest in throwing it out there that while I'm excited for this moment very much, I'm also missing the people that should be there but can't.

Now, the person I did ask to escort me was my mother-in-law, Shelly. I'm honored to have her there with me. She along with Dan have been there through the entire process with me and she helped me out BIG TIME with my baptism with speaking at it, getting it together, and even bringing food and drinks along with a few others :) So I felt it was only right to have her there at the single most important moment in the temple at least until Dan and I get sealed :) Okay well I'm done for now...chao! :)

Us with Dan's parents


  1. It is a hard thing not to have family be able to experience something that is so important to you. At least you will have your ward family:)Love ya!

  2. Yes that is true! I'm very greatful that I will have so many others that can go with me. Thanks :) Love ya all!


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