
Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This is Jack, the "special" o lantern. Haha...Dan and I thought we could do this with a knife and spoon...umm yea didn't turn out like we had hoped. Next time, were buying the pumpkin kit.

My princess Lola as one cute sailor :)

Dan Marino and his security officer LOL. They both went trick o treating with us!

Of course I just had to add 1 more picture of Lola. Our dogs are seriously our kids...and I'm pathetically in love with them =)

SOOOO I don't feel like typing a whole lot but I just had to vent about last Friday. It was a HORRIBLE day! I had just gotten a job a couple of weeks ago at the Mouse Trap and things were going great so I thought. After I finished my shift, lets just say, things didn't work out and I end up walking out bawling my eyes out. I was so upset because I had just gotten the job and was working really hard to earn money. Dan and I needed that money and in a flash it was gone. I didn't "love" my job...but it was a job and I was willing to do it because it paid money. So after that I went to my 2nd part time job at school. I talked to an advisor and found out the details of why my 112 hr practicum would NOT transfer, putting me an extra semester behind and my graduation date is set for Spring 2012. After all of this, plus going off of little sleep from working both jobs and going to class that day, I just felt very down on myself for the entire night. Hubby came home and that weekend I began a strong search for another job. And to my surprise, I filled an application out on Monday, turned it in, asked to come back later for an interview, went back and walked back out with a job...all in 1 day! I was amazed! Did I mention it's for Bath & Body Works? Did I mention I LOVE Bath & Body Works AND not only do I get a discount there but also at Victoria's Secret? It was great! Today was my orientation and the girls are so sweet! And I'm just absolutely in love with our products! So far so good! Now let's just hope it stays this way!


  1. Sounds sucky about the other job but WOO HOO for Bath and Body Works! I'm jealous! I know what your friends are getting for Christmas. I got a new job too! Yea for us :)

  2. haha! OMG you got a new job where at?? Sorry it took me so long to respond to you, I didn't know you commented on here lol.


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