Just a little review about some of my absolutely FAVORITE things!!
- Covergirl Lash Blast Waterproof Mascara - doesn't clump, stays on for a LONG time, doesn't make my eyelashes stick together, cry all you want to and it doesn't come off! :)
- Twilight- Need I say more about this series? I've been to a Twilight convention, seen all movies, books, gotten autographs, t-shirts, rings, bracelets, posters, clothes, cups, flowers, cakes, parties....the list could go on about all things Twilight I own or have done.
- Everything Mary Kay!!
- The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth- Amazing series that you will love if you remotely like the Hunger Games!
- The Vampire Diaries- Can you say yummy?!? I got my vampire fix on this show ;) I'm lucky their are so many seasons! This show got me through many dark long weary nights while having a newborn baby.
- The Hunger Games- The books are amazing! The movie is okay...hope the movies get better though!
- The Delirium Series by Lauren Oliver- Not only is the author amazing and sweet but this new series is wonderful!! Again, it is one of my favorites and it is becoming a movie too!
- Revenge- Have you seen this show at all? Where have you been hiding? It's dark, intriguing, interesting, suspenseful, steamy.....all wrapped up in a shot with a never ending plot that keeps surprising you.
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