
Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Busy Mommy Life & Unseen Photos

So I was going through photos on the computer and realized the hubby had some photos that I never seen before. This is 24 hours into labor I think? I'm feeling pretty high at this point...and tired...

 Daddy and his baby burrito!

 I remember these exhausting days. I know you are not supposed to sleep with your child but at this point, I was in survival mode. I needed sleep and if this is how I was to get it then so be it. Note Lola has joined she wasn't the only baby anymore.
Little princess when her newborn clothes swallowed her :) Just a couple of weeks old :)

Since Sophia was a little over 2.5 months old I began to work full time. My whole life I wanted to be a social worker, Sophia comes and in a matter of months she changed my whole mind set. I love being at home with her and my family. I love sleeping in the mornings with them and just being with them at every moment I possibly can. It definitely is not easy either working full time and being a mother to a baby...I don't have much free time which is why my blog gets updated once every 5 years....sorry readers :) My free time I do have is spent cleaning, working extra, eating, sleeping, showering, etc. I am so grateful I have a wonderful husband who helps me out so much tho! Love him!

So until the day I can eventually be a stay at home, I will continue to work and think about my baby every second I possibly can. For those that know me well, you also know I haven done everything I possibly can to keep up with breastfeeding Sophia. I have come to terms with feeding her some formula when I don't have enough milk or Dan and I want to go on a date night. I am okay with giving her as much milk as I can from me then supplementing with formula. I am finally at my last resort...taking a prescription medication that helps me produce more milk. The only problem with it is the side effect of depression. I am usually a very happy go lucky person and now it is a battle to sometimes make myself happy because I know the medication is affecting me. Is it worth it to be depressed and feeding her or being happy and feeding her formula? Problem is, I LOVE feeding her....I almost quit in the beginning because breastfeeding was so hard for me but now that Sophia and I got the hang of it, I love it, and I love the bond I have with her, and I love knowing I am giving her something healthy. I am weening myself off of the medicine...although, the less I take the less I am producing milk. It wasn't supposed to happen like this, once I stopped the medicine, my milk was supposed to stay up but of course, my body won't cooperate with me. Soon she will probably have to be on formula full :/ But at least I can say I tried everything in my power to do it for her.

Well I'm coming to the end of this for tonight...I'm tired...of course ;)

1 comment:

  1. You all are so cute! I love the pictures. I cannot wait until its my turn. I hope things get better with the breastfeeding. I am so excited to nurse little Julia. Love you!


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