
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My first blog, My first post!

Sooo...I've never actually done this before but decided to start it since it seems everyone at at church has one and Dan and I are just starting our life together. I decided to have my first post to tell a little about Dan and I in case some people don't know.

*Dan and I originally met in high school. We both had history class together and were both very outgoing and talkative. Over the years we always liked each but for some reason or another we never dated. Then April 2009, I moved back to Lexington, just from Richmond where I was attending EKU, and I just became single, Dan and I started talking. Things progressed through the year and we had a lot of trials but we also overcame every obstacle and I've never denied that I'm madly in love with him.

*In January, he finally asked me to marry him! Right on a bench by a lake which was our favorite spot to go to relax and talk. I was so ecstatic that I didn't realize I kept him waiting on his knee while it was sinking down in

*We wanted to get married soon...we knew this much. We were (and are) so in love with each other, we thought, what was the point in waiting? So we set the date and got married on May 8th, 2010 at our church in Lexington and then we went on our honeymoon to Oak Island, NC.

*We came back, moved in together, and started our new life together :) I'm so grateful for him...I don't know what I would do without him!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Another subject, I gave my testimoney for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I'm happy to say that everyone loved it and weeks later, I still have people telling me how much they enjoyed it. I also attending the temple for the first time this month (Oct. 5th) to do baptisms and it was absolutely amazing! I'm truly blessed! Dan introduced to the church and with the help of my mother-in-law, I got baptized and confirmed in November of 2009. It was the BEST decision (besides marrying Dan of course) I've ever made. He is my everything and so much more that words can not possibly explain. I LOVE the true church and I LOVE our members, friends, family, and of course, our Prophets. And I can't leave out our 2 dogs, Niko and Lola. They ARE our kids and they definitely keep us on our toes. I LOVE my life!!


  1. love your blog page, very beautiful for this time of year. Wish you both many, many years of happiness. Keep this alive and when times get hard as they do in every marriage, look back to this blog and re-live the happiness. Keep the spark you have now, always burning and someday we will see "Cari and Dan - 50 years of marriage"!

  2. cute post! Glad you figured it all out, good job, it's so cute!


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