
Monday, December 30, 2013

The Perfect Trip

NOTE: This was mostly written months ago in August but I just now finished it up :-) It's been a busy few months!
Note: My husband works for Delta which means I can fly for free. However, I fly as a Non-Revenue Standby Passenger. Which means any passing customer will go before me and I can only get on the plane if there are any available seats that haven't been sold.
Note: I have a terrible memory....any times I write are just approximate.

I have some cousins up in Maine that I have barely seen in 13 years. This was an awesome opportunity for them to meet Sophia for the first time and to spend some quality time with family and see the beautiful state of Maine. My traveling nightmare began at originally on Sunday, July 21st. I was supposed to fly out at 6am however overnight everyone in Lexington decided they wanted to go to and at about 1am the flight got completely booked which booted me off of that plane. For the next 24 hours, we kept trying to get me on flights but they kept getting booked and I kept being pushed off of the flights. Finally we got a flight leaving out of Louisville, Ky airport on Monday the 22nd at about 9am. I get there, check my car seat and one luggage bag. I had one carry on diaper bag with food, formula, diapers, wipes, etc. I had packed my other luggage with tons of things so I had plenty to do me the entire trip. It was cheaper for me to purchase things down here then to do it along the way.

Sophia did great on her first flight! She didn't whine or complain. Her biggest problem was that she wanted to roam the plane during the times that she had to sit in my lap. I was lucky on our first flight that we were seated next to an older gentlemen who only had grandsons and loved playing with a little girl.

Our first flight had a stop/layover in New York City at the La Guardia International Airport. This is where the story truly begins.....
I must say, the La Guardia Airport has ONLY 1 New York City...for an international airport...again...only 1 runway??? We were supposed to have an hour layover and board a flight at 1:00pm to Portland, Maine. I had a good spot in the airport to relax with Sophia. The airport was jam packed with people from all different walks of life. It was really neat to see because I don't think you get to see a huge diversity in Lexington. But back to my spot. This spot was surrounded by families with older children and some of the families were headed to Portland as well. Everyone and I mean everyone loved Sophia. She would walk up to one teenager--play with her for a few minutes, walk to an older brother and sister--play with them for a few minutes, come to me for food--walk for about 5 minutes, play with a mother sitting next to  me for a few minutes--this went on and on and on and on. She loved everyone.

My 1:00pm flight has now been delayed till 4:00pm. Apparently somewhere else in the U.S. there was a very delayed flight for Delta, so our crew and plane was covering that flight then coming back to get us.

Flight delayed till 4:55pm. Did I mention Sophia has been awake the entire time and not slept since 6:00am.

Flight for 4:55pm has been completely canceled. New flight with different plane would be at 6:00pm due to bad weather in NYC. At this point I was talking to the attendant, because of all the delays and cancellations, everyone who paid for those flights got pushed back to my flight and this kept bumping me off of the flight. Sophia was getting fussy here and there. I only had a certain amount of cash on me and since I had been in the airport since 11:30am and it was now 4:30pm, I was running low on food, formula, and diapers. I had to buy things in the airport store....$6 for 2 diapers, $14.95 for a cheeseburger. I was going broke trying to survive. I had about 5 hours of sleep the night before and Sophia had not napped at all that day. I was aggravated and tired that I kept getting pushed off of flights. I was lucky that a family I had been sitting next to for hours helped watch Sophia when she wanted to run and would hold her for me while I tried to talk to the attendant. The attendant thought I could get out of the airport easier if I would fly to Boston in which my family in Portland, Maine could drive an hour and a half to come pick me up. Okay so that was the new plan!!

As a standby, your bags are not to be put on the plane until they physically check that you are on the plane. I asked to have my bags back because the airport is huge and I had to take a bus to a different terminal, go through security again, and get going finally. The attendant told me 1 bag was already on the Portland, Maine plane and they cannot get it off. She said the other one was in baggage claim and I could try to get it but I would need to hurry in order to get to the other terminal and through security, etc to board the Boston plane on time. So I pack up Sophia and were off to baggage claim. They tell me my baggage has already been set on the Boston plane and would be going with me so no worries. Awesome, ok we are getting somewhere. As I am walking through the airport, I look to my right and see an airplane crash on the landing. I didn't see any fire but I could hear lots of personnel around me talking about what happened. I got on the bus with a couple of other people. The men on the bus generously helped with what I did have on me and with Sophia. As we have to pass the crash and the amounts of police and fire trucks passing us by, the pilots tell me their giving up on today and going to stay at a hotel for the night because La Guardia was very slow at cleaning up wrecks. You can read about the wreck here Southwest Airplane Hard Landing. All I could think was please no, please no, please let me get through. I arrived at my terminal and as I walk in, it's quiet and almost dead. I begin to go through security when TSA comes up to me and says "I'm sorry ma'am but the entire airport has been completely shut down". At that moment, I sincerely lost it. I just began to cry. I called Dan and all I could was cry, cry, and cry some more.

No flights going out that night, the airport wouldn't pay for a hotel for me because I was Non-Revenue Standby. Come to find out, I couldn't get my luggage because they couldn't locate my luggage. I stood/sat in a public area with just me and Sophia from about 6:00pm till 10pm. Again, Sophia has yet to sleep. I at this point, only have a couple diapers left, a few crumbs, and 1 bottle left and no food for me. All of the stores are in the airport terminal (around 8pm) are now closed (Don't know why their all closed so early????) They offer to get me a cott to sleep in the another airport terminal for the could I do that with Sophia? Even if I did, I had no formula or diapers for her. For hours the personnel tried to locate my baggage without success. Dan was trying to locate a hotel near me but they were all booked from all the other passengers and cancellations. So there were no hotels I could get a shuttle to back and forth.

What do I do?

Dan finally finds a hotel....$200 one night in Long Island. The airport agreed to pay for a taxi to get me there and back in the morning. They even gave me a couple of meal vouchers that I couldn't use until the next day tho. The taxi service however was running 2 hours behind. Since the terminal was closing down, a manager moved Sophia and I into the baggage claim office. They brought us some water, pretzels, and bananas. The manager left  us alone with a baggage employee who stayed in the office with us. Their were four red cushioned chairs and we took two of them and faced them together to make a "crib" and then we were given a couple of blankets and pillows. It's about 11:00pm at this point. Sophia still would not sleep a wink...instead she played and played. I finally fed her, her final bottle. Now I was completely out of diapers, food, and formula.

I asked the employee how could I get to a store to get stuff for my baby. She said their were stores around my hotel I could walk to to get things after the taxi dropped me off.

Fabulous!! I will be walking in New York City at 12:30 am alone with a the rain....

Well my taxi driver showed up and helped me in the car. He spoke little English but I thought I would try to offer him money to take me to a store on the way to the hotel. He also said their were stores near the hotel. Great. He couldn't really understand me, I couldn't understand half of what he was saying. Sophia was starting to cry, it was raining, I was sweating, I was exhausted, and I was hungry. We find my hotel but to my surprise...he passes it up.

He pulls up to the door of a store. I could have cried. Not only that....he stayed out the door of the store and waited on me to come out and carried all of my groceries for me. I learned that a regular tiny little "gas station" store was a blessing! They had DIAPERS! and WIPES! and ANIMAL CRACKERS! and FORMULA!! and BABY FOOD!! O.M.G. I could have kissed everything!! It didn't bother me one bit that all these items were in my lost luggage and I just paid $50 for 1 pack of small diapers, 1 pack of wipes, 1 small pack of diapers, 1 small mt.dew, 1 things of formula, and 6 jars of baby KY that would have been about $ NYC it was easily over $50. But at least I was saved! Afterwards the taxi driver took me to my hotel and helped me with everything inside. I thanked him countlessly. He doesn't know how much he blessed me.

My view when I woke up in NYC

Since I had nothing on me because of lost luggage, the hotel toiletries consisted of bar soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, men's deodorant, and lotion but no crib for Sophia. Sophia has never slept with me...she has always always slept in a crib so this was going to be interesting. I was lucky and had a spare outfit for her for the following day but for that night, I gave her a bath so she could at least feel comfy and dressed her back in the same clothes. I never ate dinner that night...don't know why...I think I honestly forgot until I look back on that night. So that night in a king sized bed, I lined the bed with pillows and played lullabies on my phone trying to recreate her normal routine as much as possible. At this point it's 1:30am and our flight leaves at 9am which meant I needed to be up at 6:00am. Sophia jumped in bed....and jumped...giggled...and jumped for 30 minutes before she finally knocked out. Haha poor girl. Woke up to take a shower while she slept and kept the door open so I could quickly listen to her if she woke up. Finally get dressed in my same undergarments, clothes, etc and get her fresh clothes on and head to the free breakfast downstairs. Sophia typically sleeps 12 hours a night....that night she slept for 5. I fixed a delicious plate of food and sat down with Sophia when my phone rings. As I'm answering the phone, I'm bringing a piece of sausage to my mouth when the taxi driver says "I'm here!" Really??? I got up even earlier just for this break and you. are. here? I sat the sausage down, threw away my entire plate of uneaten food and headed to the taxi. This is Sophia sitting outside of the hotel....her face says it all..

We get back to the airport, go through security again, and head to our gate to check in. When I arrived, our area was packed. I knew instantly that something was wrong. The Boston flight that morning had been canceled due to bad weather in Boston. I was scheduled for the next flight but because of the airport shutting down last night and the first flight to Boston getting canceled, the airport had no idea when it could be when I would get a flight because I kept getting bumped off. Their suggestion was to "stay away from the airport a few days until things calm down". Yes I have $600 in my pocket to pay for a hotel for 3 nights with no clothes or food. At this point, I wheeled Sophia to the only open floor space I could find and sat on the floor and I just cried my eyes out. Cried because we were exhausted. Cried because Sophia had hardly any sleep and I felt like a horrible mother because it was my fault we were on this trip. At this point, I said fine, I just want to go home. Get me back to Ky. Ummmm "Flights to Louisville are all booked and we don't fly to Lexington". So I can't get to Maine and I can't get back home....

This is where my angel named Jack comes in...

I called my cousin Christina, who was waiting for me so patiently in Maine and just cried my soul out to her. I vented every possible thing I could. I had nothing left in me at this point. I just didn't know how I was going to make it another 5 minutes. After I got off the phone, two businessmen asked me if I was okay and I just couldn't help but babble out words in between my tears. After a few minutes, the men asked what could they do to help...they offered to watch Sophia, to buy us food, to buy this and that...etc. I shook my head and thanked them kindly but I had all that and I only wanted to be closer to my little girl not farther away. But I did one thing...."I just want to go home. Or go to my family. I just want to be with my family." After the crying stopped, I decided to take Sophia for a walk in her stroller through the terminal. Sweet girl finally fell asleep :) When I returned to our spot, "Jack" stood us and told me "We want to get you home. We will get you a ticket to anywhere you want to go." I replied "No no no. Thank you both so much but I just can't let you do that." "No No...we have plenty of free miles....let us get you a ticket home or to be with your family." I gladly gave in. "Jack" got on the phone and within minutes had me a flight for 12:59pm (it was currently 9:00am). I cried in tears of thank you. I called my family and I just cried and cried and cried and said "I'm finally coming!". With a bought ticket, I could no longer be bumped off! I felt like the world had just lifted off of me. Soon after, the men were boarding their plane. They loved Sophia and I told them several times how much I appreciated them. My angel said "By the way, my name is Jack". I told him my name and that was the only piece of information we exchanged. I cry right now as I write this....he doesn't know how much he blessed me and I have prayed for that man several times that blessings may come to him so he knows what he did for me when I was at a low point. I've tried to figure out who the man is and looked up ticket information....I still don't know how much or if he paid anything to fly me but it doesn't matter...what he did was truly selfless and kind.

After they left, Sophia was still sleeping. I used a meal voucher and got an amazing hot breakfast and sat down on a very comfy chair to eat my breakfast. 12:30 rolled around and it was time to board the plane. And guess what? Sophia had been sleeping the entire time!! She slept for hours that morning. That was another blessing to me to know she was getting some rest.

FINALLY!!!!! We are off to Boston!! Oh no.....

We get on the plane and get ready for take off. The pilot comes on the speaker to say due to bad weather in Boston. We were being delayed....again....for an hour...BUT...we would at least stay on the plane. What a nerve racking hour!!!! I just kept praying that we would get to Boston!!


We're clear to take off! AHHHHHHHHHHHH I cried again, lol. It was a 1.5 flight to Boston. I got to Boston and my family was waiting for me!! Go to claim my luggage....

Both the car seat and my luggage are lost. In the end, it doesn't matter who had it, but point is La Guardia said Boston had one, Portland had the other. Boston said Portland had one, La Guardia had the other. Earlier that day, my car seat did in fact show up in Portland but I was still missing my bag. It was now would be Thursday before I finally got my bag. It went to back and forth at least 15 times between Louisville, La Guardia, Boston, Detroit, and back to Portland.

I arrive at my cousin's house and tears of joy roll down my face because I am just so happy to finally be there and be with family. I had a bed, Sophia had a crib, my cousin Christina had all the essentials that a woman should have. I wore her clothes, washed mine, used her things to shower and get cleaned up was amazing.

From Tuesday through Sunday I enjoyed being with family. There was some family drama in which I had posted a couple of cryptic messages on Facebook as a way to vent. But I won't give out details about the situation and those that need to know do know. My cousin Christina ended up having to work a lot so in between work, we went shopping around at the local mall and went to Old Portland to walk around and visit some bar and grilles while walking on the original cobblestone walkways. Cobblestone VS Stilleto? Cobblestone wins every time.

On Wednesday, I went to the airport baggage claim in Portland for the 3rd time. My bag still was not there and I was still getting multiple stories about where my baggage was. A couple of hours later, I called the airport this time instead of driving there and I was finally notified that my bag was there. I asked the staff member to please physically go to my bag, lay hands on it, and double check that it is mine because I had been through enough. They told me it was for sure. So for the 4th time, we went back to the Portland airport and finally got my bag! TO MY CREDIT: THIS VIDEO WAS RECORDED BY COUSIN CHRISTINA, IN WHICH I DID NOT  KNOW I WAS BEING RECORDED!! I'M. OFFICIALLY. A. DORK.

The week went by a lot better after I was able to have my own stuff and plenty of clothes, food, diapers, wipes, and formula for Sophia! My cousin and I ended up staying with her brother and my other cousin. Surrounded by tall trees around no cities or traffic, and hearing the rain at night in what seems like a forest, was very peaceful. My cousin Michael, ended up taking Sophia and I to a couple of the beaches around Portland and Cape Elizabeth. It was absolutely beautiful, clean, and breathtaking!!

***** Now that I waited so long to finish writing this, my memory is fuzzy. But this is basically how the trip ended....

I was set to fly out of Portland airport on Sunday. My cousin drops me off at the airport, I get thru the gate and everything with Sophia is ready to go. As I'm waiting at our gate, we are informed that part of our crew is missing from being help up on another flight. So here was another 2 hour delay. 2 hours go by and we are finally boarding!! Wahoo!!!  My flight was connecting to me D.C. then to Louisville. I get to D.C. and because my first plane was so late, I missed my connecting flight to Louisville and there were no more going out that night. At this point, I have no money left but I was prepared because this time I STUFFED bags full of extra baby clothes and items for Sophia that I could. THIS TIME however, my parents had paid for me to fly on United Airlines instead of Delta. United graciously paid for a hotel room for me, bought me dinner and breakfast for the next morning, and for a taxi to take me 40 minutes away to another hotel for me to fly out first thing that morning out of the other D.C. airport. We get to the hotel at about 11pm and the only place to eat was the bar next door. So me and Sophia were sitting in a bar eating at 11:30 pm. We retired to our room with the hotel amenities such as toothpaste, shampoo, etc.

 (Sophia was such a trooper. This is at about 5:30 am and she had only had about 5 hours of sleep. I love my little stinker!)

I for the second time, wore the same clothes 2 days in a row because I didn't have room to pack additional clothes for me in my bag. The next morning we wake up and get to the airport. At 9am, I was boarding a plane bound for Louisville. I was too excited to get home finally! As we are on the runway, the pilot announces that their is bad weather in Kentucky and we are on a delay but do not know how long. I. am. going. to. hour later though, they tell us we can take off.

Finally, a couple of hours later, we land in Louisville. My husband picked us up and we go to claim my baggage.

My baggage has been lost.....including Sophia's car seat. The airline let us borrow a car seat and said they would mail me my baggage. this point....that's all I can say. At least I am going home.

At 4am that next morning, I get a call that UPS is at my door with my baggage and although I was so tired and exhausted, I woke up and had to go outside in the freezing rain to get the airline's car seat out and trade it with the UPS man.

Back to bed and up at 7am with Sophia.....that was the end of that....

The end....

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