
Monday, January 23, 2012

4 DaYS TiLL We FiNd OuT!

Friday is a BIG BIG day! We find out if we're having a boy or girl! SOOOO excited that the only thing that is keeping my mind off of it is because I have the first 10 pgs of a 35-50 pg paper of my Capstone ( my final graduation paper- kinda like a thesis that English majors have to do) due on Thursday. At least I have something else to concentrate on! My pregnancy is going well and I'm very thankful for that. I am feeling great....I still get sick here and there but who doesn't? It is harder to sit straight up because I feel like I'm going to pop my stomach open so I'm starting to have to lean back more when sitting down or popping my stomach out when I'm walking, lol. Time is still going by SLOWWWWWW for me...I'm ready to get this show on the road and start being able to be active with baby, I've only felt it kick strongly once and the other times I can't tell if it's gas, twitching, the baby kicking, or whatever it may be! Welp I'm sure I'll write again! P.S. I FINALLY finished the scrapbook for my hubby and I's wedding and honeymoon, I'll post pictures soon because it's my first true scrapbook and I'm so proud of it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, your belly is super cute! I cannot believe how big you are already. And I cannot wait for you to find out if its a girl or boy!


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