
Monday, January 23, 2012

4 DaYS TiLL We FiNd OuT!

Friday is a BIG BIG day! We find out if we're having a boy or girl! SOOOO excited that the only thing that is keeping my mind off of it is because I have the first 10 pgs of a 35-50 pg paper of my Capstone ( my final graduation paper- kinda like a thesis that English majors have to do) due on Thursday. At least I have something else to concentrate on! My pregnancy is going well and I'm very thankful for that. I am feeling great....I still get sick here and there but who doesn't? It is harder to sit straight up because I feel like I'm going to pop my stomach open so I'm starting to have to lean back more when sitting down or popping my stomach out when I'm walking, lol. Time is still going by SLOWWWWWW for me...I'm ready to get this show on the road and start being able to be active with baby, I've only felt it kick strongly once and the other times I can't tell if it's gas, twitching, the baby kicking, or whatever it may be! Welp I'm sure I'll write again! P.S. I FINALLY finished the scrapbook for my hubby and I's wedding and honeymoon, I'll post pictures soon because it's my first true scrapbook and I'm so proud of it! :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

CraFTs AnD PrEgGo UpDaTe

The glass jar above is something I made for a friend. I had an empty pickle jar and couldn't figure out what to do with it and then I thought of this! Next time I would use Mod Podge so the jar could get wet if need be but I didn't have so I used a hot glue gun, scrapbook paper, ribbon, and a button there we go! It took 5's easy, cute, and can be used for anything! I love the jars that can be used to store pencils, pens, candy, add some stones and put a candle in the middle, seashells, etc. you name it you can do it! :)

The wreath is a project from my other blog entry  . But I have a different camera now and I thought these photos looked better so I retook the pictures :)

 Pregnancy Update!

First and foremost, I have to say how incredibly blessed I am for my pregnancy and my family. Over the past few months I've learned of several friends that have miscarried, had difficult pregnancies, lost their newborns, or have not been able to get pregnant at all. I am so extremely blessed because I have my pregnancy has started and is going by with ease. Yes I was very sick for about 6 weeks in my first trimester but it is nothing compared to the pain some of my other friends are feeling and I know that I owe my blessings to Heavenly Father. I haven't gained any weight yet but that's okay, my last dr appt the heartbeat was 156, all of my lab work and everything has been normal so far. January 27th, I find out if it is a boy or girl and that's when they do the entire fetal check of heart, lungs, etc.  I feel the "butterflies" often now and I have been able to tell 2X where my baby is in my stomach. Once the baby was crammed into my left rib and the other it was crammed into my right rib. Dan and I are very excited and we can't wait till we can find out what it is and feel the full blown kicks :) My moods are still pretty normal, my friend told me she noticed me "waddling" a little bit, I refuse for that to be the case so early in the pregnancy. I got maternity clothes to fit me now and I love them! Slip on maternity jeans are the best!! I am still LOVING potato chips but I am also loving tuna fish but I have to limit my amount (DARN!). Limiting one of the few things that I am loving stinks tho! Well that's all for now, see ya'll later!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers