
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Youth Conference 2011

At the beginning of July, Dan and I were leaders for the Youth Conference this year at church. Just so happen that our tribe's name was "Dan" :) It was Daniel's first time leading and it was my first year period! We had a wonderful group and my girls were great! I felt like I experienced it from a youth's point of view while also being the responsible adult and making sure no one got in trouble ;) It was a weekend filled with LOTS of games, dancing, good food, community service, and A LOT of fun! One of the perks for me was having a lovely girl named Ali :) who knew how to french braid my hair and I can't french braid and I'm not used to having that, I totally took advantage of her. Every day at 6:30am I walked downstairs.....woke Ali up "Ehhheemmm time....whatcha going to do to me today?" Needless to say, I had my own personal hairstylist with me the entire weekend! Other perks was being able to enjoy the time with  my husband as we did teamwork together to do many activities and had fun doing it. Also, listening to all of the girl's testimonies at night before we went to bed was a definite favorite :) These young ladies (and boys I'm sure) are faced with such hard decisions and adversity in a world that wants them to think it's okay to do all of these non-healthy activities but you better believe our girls are STRONG and stand up for what they believe in! I was surprised to hear how many girls have stood up to people, boyfriends, friends, etc. about their faith and they always chose the right. I am so proud of my girls :) And I hope that all of our young adults will stay strong, hold onto the iron rod, and stay true to their faith! I know they can!

Half of these were my girls mixed with Ben's tribe

You're going to get soaked when you play in the rain!

Approx. 150 teens!

Happy Sweet 16 Kayla!

Hawaiian Themed Dance

Fabric Wreath

Hello all :) I actually completed this project a while back but am just now getting a chance to blog about it. So here it is! One day I will get me a NICE camera instead of just my old digital one so all of my photos will look better.

How to make this? It's pretty easy...until you get to the rosettes. Cut off strips of fabric according to what length or thickness you like. Mine were about 1" X 12". Only tie them in one knot to save on fabric. After you get the entire wreath covered, start making the rosettes. I am NOT a natural at rosette making and honestly you just have to practice, practice, and practice some more. For my rosettes, I used strips that were pretty thick around 2" X 12" and used super glue for making them. Then use left over material from the wreath to create the small "jewels" in the center of the rosette. Since my wreath is not a flat surface, I first hot glued the rosettes to black felt, cut them out, then attached them to the wreath. Again, my camera does NOT do my wreath justice. It's not the best but for my first time, I think it's down right pretty :)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers