
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mary Kay & The NEW me :)

Welcome to my new life! ^This^ is what I do for work now, along with staying at home with a little stinker who is almost 9 months old. I am LOVING being a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant :) It is great to sell products you truly love and believe in. I was introduced to Mary Kay make up about 6 months ago and from that day forward I knew I wanted to become apart of this wonderful company. Let me know if you want to have some free facials, products, and have some great girl time! ;)  

Soooooo Dan and I had to move. We looked very hard for a place within the boundaries of our ward in church aka the famous "Tates Creek Ward"..WOOT! WOOT! Unfortunately, Heavenly Father lead us in a different direction and we will now be apart of the Bluegrass Ward. Even though I am sad about leaving my friends, I'm still in the same town AND I believe the Lord has guided this way and that it was meant to be. I am excited to meet new friends!! 

Sophia wouldn't have it any other way. No matter what, this girl HAS to have her face covered in order to sleep. Needless to say, we constantly check on her.
My mother in law got this book for me and I enjoying it so much! I've been thinking about the future I want for my daughter a lot lately and the things I want her to know. I also have the world's worst memory so this book is great at making you think of wonderful thoughts, stories, and ideas to pass down to your child. I love it! I am officially a stay at home mother. Heavenly Father continues to bless us every day and despite the hard times I've gone through lately and the stress I've had, I know I am truly lucky and blessed to have Him on my side. I miss working with my foster kids and think about them often. I'm not allowed to keep updates on them now that I'm not with the agency anymore, but I still think of my kids get attached to the children because you see them so much. The kids look up to you and you grow a bond with them. But at the same time, my heart was aching to be at home with my daughter and it's where I knew I needed to be. 
I've been thinking of my testimony lately. For a few months I've been going through rough patches on and off especially surrounding my family and friends. Rumors have spread around about "what Mormon's believe"...because you know of course, non-Mornons will know everything that Mormon's believe and they know more than Mormon's themselves ;) My point to that comment? If you see or read something about Mormens--especially if you are my friend or a family member, and you question it, then ASK me! I am not easily offended and I LOVE sharing the gospel and talking about my religion...I'm very open :) But please do not go around telling others what we believe when you have no clue or what you know came from weird sites or sites that are as credible as Wikipedia. I used to attend Baptist and Christian churches, I smoked, I partied, I drank alcohol, and I did many many things I should have never done and made MANY dumb mistakes. I changed my way of soul....all to be closer to my Father. Since the day I got baptized, I have been forgiven of sins, reborn, and blessed. I didn't change overnight. For a long time I had slip ups but I continued to pray and work on myself. I've never been happier, I've never been healthier mentally and physically, and my church family has stepped in to be there for me when much of my family has abandoned me due to their selfishness, addictions, and lifestyles. I want a better life for my children than what I had. I want a better childhood and better opportunities for my children than what I had. I want a happy, God loving, and supportive family for my child and it will start by my husband and I creating that family with our Heavenly Father. Sophia is the most perfect creation ever and I thank the Lord every day for her and Dan in my life. I am LOVING my life despite the obstacles I continue to work through. 

Look at this little stinker...she makes my heart melt into a million pieces!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers