
Monday, April 23, 2012

* Babies & Graduations! *

This is what our current "nursery" looks like...not exactly what I had planned. This used to be our movie room and then we got surprised with a soon to be little girl. But since our lease is up less than a month before the baby is due, the baby furniture you see there still in the boxes weights over 90 lbs each, and the fact that we are wanting to move, we haven't decided what to do yet with this room. I have been reassure by Dan though, IF Sophia comes early...this room will be set up while I am in the hospital and before I come home. But those of you know really know me, I am a perfectionist....I love to organize, clean, and keep items in their rightful places....this room? It's KILLING me!!! LOL. I'd honestly feel better if the room was just empty so I am now in the process of carefully storing things away in orderly fashion and throwing away stuff at the same time. Good bye movie room with all of my Twilight memorabilia until we get an extra room...but.....

My graduation is in 13 days!!!! I am STOKED, HAPPY, EXCITED, and READY FOR THIS!!! I have been imaging this moment for years and it's so close I can taste it! Every moment of my life up until in 13 days, I have always had to plan my life around school, work for free, work for less so that I could go to school at the same time, and just my life revolved around school. I do plan on getting my masters but for now I just want my degree and to concentrate on being a new mommy :) I don't know how this summer will I or Dan will have...we have things in the works right now so if you ask me two days in a row what my plan is you will probably get 5 different answers, I'm not worried though, I know things will work out one way or another, I just have to sit back and watch how they will work out.

And here is part of my happy family....we all like naps :) I didn't realize I had passed out nor that someone was spying on me ;) But this is our typical family naps...Niko lays beside me or Dan on the ground and Lola is somewhere cuddled on top of one of us. I almost don't even look pregnant in this photo...unless you look super close and see a little bump peeking up.

Well well....I am 32 weeks along....8 more weeks to go! I am doing good...craving sweets every bit of the way and even though I passed my dreaded 3 hour glucose test I got a lecture from my ob that I still have really high sugar. Have you ever been pregnant and tried NOT eating the few things you were craving?!?! It is SO difficult and when I'm not eating sweets I'm thinking about eating sweets. For the past week, every person I've seen that knows me has just glowed with joy about how big I "suddenly" am...really? Hmmm I feel like the weight has been coming on pretty steadily but apparently others view me differently. Oh well, it totally does not offend me when people say how big I look..although I've heard your not supposed to say that to a pregnant woman because it's rude? I don't doesn't offend me at all but that's just me. Dan has been amazing throughout the pregnant...completely sweet and amazing! He tries to shop for me and choose low sugar items, he's fixed me breakfast before I go into work, and when he comes home from work or leaves for work, he always kisses Sophia and says "Hello little girl" or "Goodbye little girl". She has already acquired more nicknames then I could imagine before she is even in this world. Haha I've given up already as well on wanting people to call her Sophia and only Sophia.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers