
Thursday, February 9, 2012

2 Days Is Not Long Enough....

I felt compelled to share this story and I hope my dear friend doesn't mind that I'm actually sharing "her" story. I just read a blog post from a good friend however, I won't share her name or her exact post because it is very personal to her family but I wanted her to know how much her story affected me. Reading her blog post broke my heart, made me cry, but also made me more thankful than ever for the blessings I have. Here a just a few things going through my head:

The average time it takes a for a couple to get pregnant is approximately 8 months.

I got pregnant in about 6 weeks.

I'm almost 22 weeks along and many women by this time have swelling, pain, back aches, nausea still, or may have other health problems going on such as high blood pressure.

I was nauseated for 6 weeks in my first trimester and that was all. I'm feeling great, every so often I may have a LITTLE gas or a spurt of tummy pain from my ligaments/muscles stretching but that's all. No swelling no nothing.

Baby? Oh yea, she (Sophia Rae) is healthy so far! 1 more ultrasound to go to double check the heart but all 4 valves were seen in the last ultrasound and looked good. She has no birth defects. All tests and bloodwork done on mommy and baby have come back normal.


For a dear friend of mine, she got to her 20 week mark with her second baby......her world was then turned upside down.

Her sweet baby boy was diagnosed with a heart defect. 

Why is it this things have been easy for me? I've had minor stuff here and there and a little pain here and there but that's nothing. Why has Heavenly Father decided to bless me so greatly? But for my friend, her and her son's fate were so extremely different?

Why did she have it so hard? She's one of the most genuine, amazing, sweet, beautiful, good-hearted people I've ever met. Why her? She deserves the world.

In January, he was born. Surprisingly he was doing great. Then....something went wrong. No one knows what failed him, but it wasn't his heart. It heart kept fighting. But ultimately Heavenly Father felt the boy deserved to be with him and so....

Quietly, Heavenly Father took him.  

I don't know the answers to my own questions but I know in some way some how this will all work out in the end. When we all meet again, we will finally know the reasons for these things. I know, have faith, love, and trust my Heavenly Father that he knows what he is doing.

Not a day or a minute goes by that I don't thank Heavenly Father for my blessings, that I don't think of how incredibly lucky and grateful I am for the amazing experience I am going through.

And all I can do is hope and pray for my friend and her family that their healing comes quick, Heavenly Father will take away their pain, and that they will meet their beautiful boy again.

I want people to know to not take what they have for granted and just because your going through struggles, there will always be someone else to have it worse. Be thankful for the times you do and don't in the moment and don't dwell on the past or future.

With all my love,

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers