
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Preggo Update!

Notice the bump??? YeaaAAAHHHH! Haha okay well it's barely there but for's there! Especially when I sit down and my stomach is hanging over my jeans! So here is a list of updates about the pregnancy!

Baby Update: The baby is healthy and doing well! Heartbeat of 161. My OB thinks it's a girl :) But we will see...I'm 13 weeks and at 20 weeks I'll know for sure but fingers crossed!!
Cravings: Pickles, Potato Chips, Mexican Food 
Gross Outs: Nasty cuts, Chinese Food, Dirty Mop Water, Dog Poop
Difficulties: Getting out of bed in the mornings! UGH!, bending forward...already, getting off the floor when I'm laying flat, finding clothes that fit me (haven't bought new ones yet)
Moods: Depends on the minute, haha! My best moods are usually during the afternoon, mornings and nights I'm usually tired or cranky. I get aggravated easily but the hubby has been very nice in dealing with me :)
I'm definitely working on getting a larger coat too as I'm not going to be fitting in mine too much longer! I'm always eating...most of time I have food in my hand snacking on something :) The 65 lb brute husky I starting to be "sweeter" to me....aka he is better about not jumping on me! I hope this continues and he will calm down enough in time for the baby. So that's about all...hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season!! XOXO

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers